The little camera guy from wants to take pictures of Tracey and her friends and every week he knows he's getting a eye full of shots of her. Please keep in mind Tracey is an assitant at work she doesn't get any praise from her boss, shes asked for a raise, but most of all she is unappreciated at work and at home. Ask yourself where do these party girls get their praise from, who makes them feel appreciated when they are all dolled up?
ALL HAIL, 7DAYSYNIGHTS AND ALLTHEPARTIES and all the viewers that comment on her fat ass and nicely done wig or real hair or whatever!!!
Tracey knows her self worth is at the clubs, she's a motha effing star!!! Its sad, yet real ish! A girl like "Tracey" doesnt realize she does this but I observe people and patterns... this is what I do man!!!
Now on the other hand you have Tatiana she is a bad ass chick herself! She doesn't really work, shes a socialite, for argument sake you've seen her on Myspace she has a few King Mag-like images. Tatiana doesnt wait in line, yet Tracey does. As Tatiana enters the room the DJ is calling out her name and she is going to a table with her 3 closest friends and the table has nothing but ballers and bottle poppers. Tatianna is saying hello to everyone and just happens to everyone down to the bus boy.
If I were a man would I take Tatiana seriously, hell no!!! She's too Poppin'!!! Now, would I take Tracey seriously, No! Although I see the circumstances that she is a single hardworking mother she is in every party pic every week! I would probably want to just smash Tracey and keep it moving.
This makes a major difference people. Its okay to go out, but in moderation. Its alright to know people, but let people come to you, dont be a chicken head and run up to everyone you know unless its a person you deal with on daily level in some way or the other.
I have to think like a man for a minute, I would be very hesistant to date or take a club girl seriously. If my joint went out every now and then again sure, but not every damn week!!!
Now look at me, I know quite a few people and people know me who I have never met before. My trick is I dont know you...I am too much into myself to run up to anyone and seek attention or acceptance for that matter. I go to events where it counts!
Please check out Vegas' blog at ....
Vegas' Blog at...
Well, Lex you are soooo right!! The only time i do see you in a party is when a sponsor is involved, but i aint mad at that!! You are also right about your 2 different girls! Ill definitely make an adjustment blog for my exclusives and for my party girls. There is nothing wrong w/ being a party girl if you can accept the fact that you are one, but i know an "industry" girl is definitely different from a "party" girl!
BUT .... they could carry the same same stigma depending on how they carry themselves!
Thanks for the follow up.
I a female, but me personally I wouldnt date another female who is out all the time...either we would have to be together or she would go out occassionally.
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